I’m off to China over the weekend!

I’m off to China over the weekend. I will be visiting Beijing, Shanghai and the Great Wall of China. Walking around would be a great benefit if you suffer from arthritis. In the past I would never have dreamt of traveling to a place such as china - the walking would have been agonizing.

However, slowly but surely I got myself out of the hell that arthritis brings. I used the methods shown on this blog and surely it worked. I know it worked because I am living proof of it. However some people would be skeptical and I guess nothing would work for them hey! Just keep an open mind and start slowly. Step by step you would slowly be on the road to recovery.

There's a Chinese proverb that says "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step!" SO please please please - take the first step and you will never look back. I promise!

Ok take care and hope you find this blog useful and interesting - don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries!

Ive put together loads of information at the following website, check it out

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