Spring is in the Air!

Spring is here and it is a great chance for all of us to get out of the house and get some fresh air.

Getting out of the house can clear your mind and destress yourself. This can help ease your arthritis pain plus there is the added bonus of fresh air - which is great for your body and mind. There may be negative feeling when staying cramped and stuck at home throughout winter so take the chance, since the weathers getting warmer, to get out and take a long stride.

Walking is a great exercise and if you haven't really tried walking to soothe your pain then you don't know what you are missing. Walking is a pain free way to exercise your body and to help soothe and fight pain.

So if you haven't started then NOW is a Perfect time to start!
For more information about arthritis and what you can do to help stop the pain and suffering, visit


Best Natural Arthritis Pain Relief Tips

I found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can do it too. I got rid of my arthritis and arthritis pain years ago, once and for all by doing one single thing.

Sometimes arthritis occurs in the wrist, elbows, shoulders, and jaw but you generally don't find it there. Arthritic joints appear to be larger, are stiff and painful, and usually feel worse the more they are used as the day progresses. The first step when looking for solutions to an arthritis pain problem is to understand how arthritis works.

Cartilage is one of the few tissues that does not have its own blood supply. Collagen is the essential protein in cartilage; it forms a mesh to give support and flexibility to the joint. The ability to make repairs to cartilage becomes limited as cartilage cells age.

An inflammatory response causes cytokines, to gather in injured areas and cause inflammation and damage to body tissue and cells; it's known to play a role in rheumatoid arthritis and other muscle and joint problems associated with autoimmune diseases. Injuries sometimes can be the start in the arthritic disease process; osteoarthritis can develop years later even after a single traumatic injury to a joint or near a joint.

Genetic factors are thought to be involved in about 50% of osteoarthritis cases in the hands and hips and a somewhat lower percentage of cases in the knee.

Make smoothies with fruit only using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost -- no one will ever know. Some people swear by morning drinks of raw apple cider vinegar and honey for arthritis pain relief. If you really want to get rid of your arthritis pain forever it may take a radical change in your diet and an ongoing commitment.

If you're not already doing so, make a big effort to watch your diet. One natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods. Nutrition experts say it takes a combination of supplements, that no one supplement can relieve arthritis pain, build cartilage, etc.

Gluten may be a culprit in arthritic diseases including fibromyalgia; avoid wheat, barley, rye, spelt, triticale, kamut and oats (although not a gluten grain it gets contaminated at the wheat mills). Try massaging your fingers or other affected joints with coconut oil twice a day.

Some people swear by glucosamine and/or chondroitin and others say it didn't help at all. A study in Great Britain touted the beneficial effects of cod liver oil on osteoarthritis; relieving pain and stiffness, and reversing the destruction of joint cartilage within 24 hours.

Exercise is good for joints affected by osteoarthritis. If you have pain and swelling in your fingers, try squeezing Thera-putty made for this purpose or exercising with two Chinese Taiji chime balls. For arthritic fingers, a good exercise is to put your finger tips together and press hard and release, then repeat several times. At bedtime you can try putting on a pair of stretch gloves to help reduce the pain and swelling in your fingers for those of you with arthritic hands.

Stretching and warming up the joints should always be the first step in your exercise routine to make your joints more flexible. Even if you don't think you can exercise, you can do some movements. A good exercise routine is the key to beating arthritis and arthritis pain.

Once you become more informed about arthritis you'll be able to plan an arthritis treatment program, natural or conventional or a combination of both. Let your doctor and pharmacist know about any other drugs, herbs or other supplements you're taking, to ward off any adverse drug reactions that might occur from the combining of different drugs or supplements.

At the very least, understand what the side effects and adverse reactions are for any drug you take.

Arthritis pain relief is the ultimate goal - understanding arthritis is a start on the right direction. Once you understand the facts about arthritis, possible causes and treatment approaches you can take, you'll be on your way to recovery and pain will disappear. Changing your diet to predominately fruits and raw veggies, like I did, can turn your arthritis pain around almost overnight. As time goes by you can add a few foods back but be careful about eating anything cooked, canned or processed.

For more information on arthritis pain relief and arthritis treatments go to http://www.FastArthritisPainRelief.com Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in arthritis pain relief with tips, advice and resources, including information on arthritis diets and natural arthritis treatments

a great source of arthritis information

A newly identified immunosuppressive protein in rheumatoid arthritis

This is a great article and it may mean a breakthrough in the treatment of RA.

A complex autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by chronic inflammation and progressive joint damage. This process begins with hyperplasia, or excessive increase in size and thickness, of synovial tissue. Along with provoking cartilage and bone destruction, this abnormal tissue growth is resistant to apoptosis, the natural cell death vital to the generation of healthy new cells.

Decoy receptor 3 (DcR3) is a newly identified member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily. A soluble protein, it is overexpressed in tumor cells, including lung and colon cancers, gastrointestinal tract tumors, and leukemia. It is also expressed in a variety of normal tissue - the colon, lung, stomach, spleen, lymph node, pancreas, and spinal cord. Because rheumatoid synovial cells share traits with tumor cells—both are resistant to apoptosis, both proliferate aggressively - DcR3 might play a role in the destructive course of rheumatoid arthritis. To investigate this possibility, researchers at Kobe University School of Medicine in Japan conducted the first study of DcR3 expression in RA fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FSL) - cells in the synovial membrane instrumental to the production of cartilage as well as synovial fluid. Featured in the April 2007 issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism, their findings expose DcR3 as one of the factors culpable for RA's hallmark hyperplasia and its crippling consequences.

For their novel study of DcR3, the researchers isolated and cultured FLS from 19 patients with RA, obtained during total knee replacement surgery. For comparison, FLS was also extracted in a similar manner from 14 patients with osteoarthritis (OA). For all samples, expression of DcR3 in FLS was measured by reverse-transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting. Then, apoptosis was induced by Fas, a protein ligand and member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family. Finally, FLS were incubated with the proinflammatory TNFб prior to Fas-induced apoptosis, and apoptosis was measured.

DcR3 was expressed in both the RA and OA FLS, with no significant quantitative differences found between the samples. However, TNFб increased DcR3 expression in and inhibited Fas-induced apoptosis in RA FLS, but not in OA FLS.

This study affirms DcR3 as an immunosuppressive agent that actually protects destructive rheumatoid synovial cells against death. "We suggest that DcR3 expressed in rheumatoid arthritis FLS is increased by TNFб, making it one of the pathologic factors that induces hyperplasia of rheumatoid synovium," states researcher and author, Dr. Yasushi Miura. "Thus, strategies aimed at down-regulation of DcR3 in FLS warrant further investigation as a possible therapeutic approach in rheumatoid arthritis."

Even in this era of TNF-alpha inhibitors and other powerful drugs, there are constantly new aspects of biology being found that offer different forms of treatments for rheumatoid arthritis.

For further information about arthritis and what you can do to help reduce the pain and suffering visit;

Arthritis Relief and Your Diet

Arthritis affects more than 40 million Americans and is referred to as the most common chronic disease in people over 40.

Doctors believe there are over 100 different forms of arthritis, all sharing one main characteristic: they all cause joint inflammation.

What can you do to relieve the symptoms of arthritis? A lot.

There is a great deal of debate in the medical world about the effects of overall diet on arthritis and using diet toward alleviating the condition.

Doctors have known for a long time that diet affects gout, a specific type of arthritic condition, however the jury remained out for a long time on other common types of arthritis such as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

What is known however, is that overall dietary health is important and does come into play. Weight and nutrition are two factors that play a role in arthritic pain.

Being overweight can affect certain arthritic conditions, forcing some joints to carry more of a load. This added weight stresses the joints, causing overuse or more wear to components, and pain, especially in the knees.

If you suffer from arthritis make sure you eat good foods and get help from healthcare providers to create and follow a well-balanced dietary plan.

To begin with, here are some vitamins, minerals, foods, supplements and herbal applications to consider.

Vitamins that have shown to reduce tissue swelling or provide relief include Vitamins B5, B6, B12, the antioxidant vitamins C and E, and vitamin K, which improves bone health.

Several independent studies have found that rheumatoid arthritis patients given increased doses of zinc showed marginal improvement.

Other minerals to consider include Boron, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese (not to be taken with calcium), Copper, Germanium and Sulfur.

The National Institutes of Health is studying the food supplements, glucosamine and chondroitin, for use in relieving symptoms of pain and stiffness for some persons with osteoarthritis.

Patients with osteoarthritis taking blood-thinners should be careful taking chondroitin as it can increase the blood-thinning and cause excessive bleeding.

Fish oil supplements have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Increasing dietary fish intake or fish oil capsules (omega 3 capsules) can relieve inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

For more information, see Omega 3 Fats

Glutathione is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties and can be safely boosted by consuming its precursors available in the supplements, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) or undenatured whey protein.

For more information, see Glutathione.

Quercetin is also known to help reduce inflammation, while Type II Collagen plays a role in growth and repair of joints, articular cartilage and connective tissue.

Because of the risk in overdosing, one should be discouraged from taking doses of vitamins that are higher than recommended without a physician's direction.

Some vitamins and minerals can actually worsen certain conditions, and the concentration that can be attained through vitamins can be dangerous. It is always better to increase in vitamin or mineral intake through your normal diet.

Foods To Avoid

There are many factors to consider with regards to arthritic diets and nutritional healing, and each factor may not apply to each individual.

For example, certain people are allergic to specific foods, and these allergies can indeed worsen arthritic conditions. The best way to approach the situation is to examine each arthritic condition and tailor one's approach based upon the specifics.

Ingesting foods that contain sodium nitrate or tartrazine can inflame rheumatoid arthritis, while ingesting foods containing a substance called hydrazine can contribute to an arthritic condition connected to lupus.

Black walnuts can cause flare-ups in people a rare type of arthritis called Behcet's Disease.

With osteoarthritis, deterioration of cartilage is a concern. Since there is some evidence that Vitamin A, contributes to cartilage deterioration, those with osteoarthritis should avoid large doses of it.

Although clinical proof is not available, anecdotal evidence suggests that in the case of fibromyalgia, eliminating wheat, dairy, citrus, sugar, aspartame (Nutrasweet), alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco can provide relief.

Many nutritionists and naturopaths suggest that those suffering with rheumatoid arthritis avoid dairy products all together, as they seem to exacerbate rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups.

The report "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too" suggests that white flour aggravates arthritis symptoms.

Disclaimer: The information here is not provided by medical professionals and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician before beginning any course of treatment.

Priya Shah is the Editor of The Glutathione Report, a newsletter featuring regular updates on the health benefits of glutathione. For a comprehensive report on arthritis, read the Arthritis Relief Report online

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Priya_Shah

The water cure!

Hi i found this very interesting and thought fellow readers would be interested in it too!

My husband forwarded this information to me today - I think it's so amazing that the cure to many people's health problems could really be this simple, and I wanted to spread the word in the hope it'll help someone.

Water prevents and helps to cure heartburn.
Heartburn is a signal of water shortage in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a major thirst signal of the human body. The use of antacids or tablet medications in the treatment of this pain does not correct dehydration, and the body continues to suffer as a result of its water shortage. Not recognizing heartburn as a sign of dehydration and treating it with antacids and pill medications will, in time, produce inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, hiatal hernia, ulceration, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas.

Water prevents and helps to cure arthritis.
Rheumatoid joint pain - arthritis - is a signal of water shortage in the painful joint. It can affect the young as well as the old. The use of pain-killers does not cure the problem, but exposes the person to further damage from pain medications. Intake of water and small amounts of salt will cure this problem.

Water prevents and helps to cure back pain.
Low back pain and ankylosing arthritis of the spine are signs of water shortage in the spinal column and discs - the water cushions that support the weight of the body. These conditions should be treated with increased water intake - not a commercial treatment, but a very effective one.

Not recognizing arthritis and low back pain as signs of dehydration in the joint cavities and treating them with pain-killers, manipulation, acupuncture, and eventually surgery will, in time, produce osteoarthritis when the cartilage cells in the joints have eventually all died. It will produce deformity of the spine. It will produce crippling deformities of the limbs. Pain medications have their own life-threatening complications.

Water prevents and helps to cure angina.
Heart pain - angina - is a sign of water shortage in the heart/lung axis. It should be treated with increased water intake until the patient is free of pain and independent of medications. Medical supervision is prudent. However, increased water intake is angina's cure.

Water prevents and helps to cure migraines.
Migraine headache is a sign of water need by the brain and the eyes. It will totally clear up if dehydration is prevented from establishing in the body. The type of dehydration that causes migraine might eventually cause inflammation of the back of the eye and possibly loss of eye sight.

Water prevents and helps to cure colitis.
Colitis pain is a signal of water shortage in the large gut. It is associated with constipation because the large intestine constricts to squeeze the last drop of water from the excrements - thus the lack of water lubrication.

Not recognizing colitis pain as a sign of dehydration will cause persistent constipation. Later in life, it will cause fecal impacting: it can cause diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and polyps, and appreciably increases the possibility of developing cancer of the colon and rectum.

Water and salt prevent and helps to cure asthma.
Asthma, which also affects 14 million children and kills several thousand of them every year, is a complication of dehydration in the body. It is caused by the drought management programs of the body. In asthma free passage of air is obstructed so that water does not leave the body in the form of vapor - the winter steam. Increased water intake will prevent asthma attacks. Asthmatics need also to take more salt to break the mucus plugs in the lungs that obstruct the free flow of air in and out of the air sacs.

Not recognizing asthma as the indicator of dehydration in the body of a growing child not only will sentence many thousands of children to die every year, but will permit irreversible genetic damage to establish in the remaining 14 million asthmatic children.

Water prevents and helps to cure high blood pressure.
Hypertension is a state of adaptation of the body to a generalized drought, when there is not enough water to fill all the blood vessels that diffuse water into vital cells. As part of the mechanism of reverse osmosis, when water from the blood serum is filtered and injected into important cells through minute holes in their membranes, extra pressure is needed for the "injection process." Just as we inject I.V. "water" in hospitals, so the body injects water into tens of trillions of cells all at the same time. Water and some salt intake will bring blood pressure back to normal!

Not recognizing hypertension as one of the major indicators of dehydration in the human body, and treating it with diuretics that further dehydrate the body will, in time, cause blockage by cholesterol of the heart arteries and the arteries that go to the brain. It will cause heart attacks and small or massive strokes that paralyze. It will eventually cause kidney disease. It will cause brain damage and neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Water prevents and helps to cure early adult-onset diabetes.
Adult-onset diabetes is another adaptive state to severe dehydration of the human body. To have adequate water in circulation and for the brain's priority water needs, the release of insulin is inhibited to prevent insulin from pushing water into all body cells. In diabetes, only some cells get survival rations of water. Water and some salt will reverse adult-onset diabetes in its early stages.

Not recognizing adult-onset diabetes as a complication of dehydration will, in time, cause massive damage to the blood vessels all over the body. It will cause eventual loss of the toes, feet and legs from gangrene. It will cause eye damage, even blindness.

Water lowers blood cholesterol.
High cholesterol levels are an indicator of early drought management by the body. Cholesterol is a clay-like material that is poured in the gaps of some cell membranes to safeguard them against losing their vital water content to the osmotically more powerful blood circulating in their vicinity. Cholesterol, apart from being used to manufacture nerve cell membranes and hormones, is also used as a "shield" against water taxation of other vital cells that would normally exchange water through their cell membranes.

For more information about other arthritis remedies visit

Arthritis Medications – NSAIDS – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

NSAIDS is short for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs that are commonly used to reduce the pain of arthritis patients - also known as Cox inhibitors. They are available both on prescription and over the counter such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

They work by preventing an enzyme called Cyclooxygenase [Cox] a protein from doing its job. There are 2 forms of Cox enzymes; both produce prostaglandins that promote inflammation, pain and fever. Cox-1 is produced to protect the stomach lining from digestive chemicals and strong internal acids. Cox-2 is produced when injury occurs to joints. It is the enzyme that stimulates the inflammatory response.

As well as reducing pain, they have the added benefit of reducing inflammation, lower fevers and even prevent blood from clotting which can be quite beneficial in some cases. It is for these reasons that NSAIDS are quite widely taken.

However there is a much darker side to these medicines. Numerous side effects have been reported.

The following are a few:

Gastric Ulcer
Upset stomach
Easy bruising, due to blood clotting impairment
High blood pressure
Interference with kidney function, kidney failure
Abdominal pain
In rare circumstances, abdominal bleeding
Delaying effect on bone healing

You can obviously tell that there’s an array of possible side effects. You wouldn’t think that a simple anti-inflammatory drug prescribed regularly could cause all those side effects!

Am I just exaggerating all this? Unfortunately I am not! You don’t need to look far in medical reports and news articles to find out that what I am saying true,

Pharmaceutical companies are not doing themselves any favours either by launching these drugs without proper testing.

A well documented drug is Vioxx. A Cox-2 inhibitor drug developed by pharmaceutical company called Merck. It was approved in 1999 and has been widely used throughout America and UK until September 2004 when it was withdrawn. A jury in Texas on Friday awarded a $253.4m settlement to the widow of the 59 year old Robert Ernst who died suddenly after using Vioxx. The court heard claims that Merck had played down safety fears about the drug for an entire decade.

You many consider this to be old news but it is quite clear that people were placed under unnecessary risks. The drug was prescribed to over 20 million people worldwide before it was withdrawn. Experts estimate that Vioxx could have caused 27,785 heart attacks since it was approved for use in 1999.

Since then another Cox-2 inhibitor drug called Bextra has also been withdrawn. It was prescribed as a replacement to the widely used Vioxx medication but was consequently found to cause similarly serious side effects.

Now consider the last time the above kind of side effects were stressed to you by your doctor before prescribing medication? Doctors should know best and that’s why we trust their judgement and yet they don’t feel the need to tell us that they could be placing us under harm.

Together with the pharmaceutical company's irresponsible attitude and the doctorss lack of care can be a dangerous cocktail. The only one that ends up suffering physically is you, the patient. No wonder so many people are turning to alternative medicine. More natural products and healing remedies with minimal side affects, especially as clinical studies have shown over the years that some are just as effective as prescribed medications.

For further more indepth information visit;

Michelle Armstrong

Cherries - The Supercharged Fruits! by Gina Neo

This is a great article about this delicious yet arthritis fighting fruit!

In essence, people can naturally detoxify toxic substances without support. Yet, with the growing amount of toxins that are being ingested into the body through water consumption, environment, and the food that people eat, can build up.

Although primarily on acute exposure, an interesting chapter by W. Stopford, tells of a young man who was treated by daily 20-minute saunas for three years and recovered from a nearly fatal acute Hg poisoning. So here is our easy-to-make recipe for green tea, but this one tastes so good you¡¯ll never guess how good it is for you! A great, healthy thirst-quencher for hot summer days.

The Full Body Detox kit comes complete with herb, instructions on how and when to take the herbs, a recommended diet and everything you will need to get started and to complete the program.

Teens partying late at night and imbibing drugs and alcohol for added fun, often dominated the silver screen. Quite a pretty picture isn't it? Oftentimes teens see it as an epitome. Although Hollywood does its part to show a different side of alcohol and drug addiction with movies like "Trainspotting" and "Girl Interrupted", the character still ended up being glamorous and ideal in nature and often overshadows the dark side of addiction.

Cherries - The Supercharged Fruit

The little red fruit that has been enjoyed by countless millions offers more than great taste.

Are cherries truly fruit for a healthy you? Recent studies have revealed that cherries offer an assortment of health benefits including the ability to offer natural relief from joint pain caused from gout, arthritis and joint inflammation.

So what makes the tasty red fruit so beneficial? The wonder of the cherry is the anthocyanins. According to research from Michigan State University tart cherries contain anthocyanins and bioflavonoids, which inhibit the enzymes Cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, and prevent inflammation in the body. These compounds have similar activity as aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen. Further investigations revealed that daily consumption of tart cherries has the potential to reduce the pain associated with joint inflammation. Many consumers are choosing to drink cherry juice, eat cherries or consume tart cherry pills to starve off the pain of gout, arthritis and joint inflammation.

Alcoholism treatment and addiction treatment may need medically supervised detoxification to avoid possible life-threatening withdrawal symptoms such as seizures and convulsion. Once they are stabilized, they need help resolving psychological issues associated with their problem drinking.

Metal toxicity can cause health issues that range from headaches and aching bones to memory loss and discoloration of the skin and nails. A simple detox diet merely refers to the removal of elements or foods that are triggering problems with your physical condition and fitness.

I always believe that if the person's energy fields are harmonized and balanced (yin & yang), then his health will generally be good. I also believe that physical health follows mental and psychical health.

Cancer rates and cardiovascular disease in the United States alone are among the highest in the world as a result of technology interfering with our food supply and living environments.

Linda L. Patterson is a living testimony of the soothing affects of cherries on her joint pain. ¡°I enjoy crocheting and lately my hands have been so painful, I couldn¡¯t crochet for more than about 30 minutes.¡±, says Patterson. In an attempt to find relief from her pain, she located Fruit Advantage Tart Cherry capsules, a supplement made from red tart cherries. ¡°Within the first week of taking the tart cherry capsules my hands felt so much better.¡±, says Ms. Patterson. ¡°I am now able to crochet without the pain in my hands.¡±

In addition to the health benefits offered by cherries, many people are just eating the fruit for the taste. John Simms, a life-long resident of Indianapolis, Indiana, eats cherries for the convenience and taste. ¡°As a short-haul truck driver, my diet isn¡¯t the best, I would eat fast food every day. A year ago, my wife bought some dried cherries and I began eating them to keep my weight down. Now I eat a handful of cherries instead of eating fast food.¡±

Not only are cherries a great way to maintain a healthy body they are a natural product. According to Andrew LaPointe, Director of Marketing for Traverse Bay Farms, www.traversebayfarms.com ¡°many of our customers are looking to eat healthier and fruit products fit this trend. It¡¯s certainly better than fast food.¡± Traverse Bay Farms sells Fruit Advantage Tart Cherry capsules and cherry juice concentrate.

There are a variety of ways that drug and alcohol rehab work to help a person stop abusing a controlled substance. One way is commonly referred to as ¡®cold turkey¡¯. Toxins such as lead, mercury, and the side effects of aspartame's by-products of formic acid and formaldehyde, block nutrients from getting into normal body cells in the same fashion a lead shield blocks radiation during an x-ray

In addition to serving as a powerful chelating agent, this product will support the liver in its process of cleansing and detoxification and replenish the body with minerals that are often depleted by these metals.

Of course certain herbs and supplements may help someone with intestinal problems like dyspepsia, indigestion, wind and irritable bowel syndrome. Research has shown that addiction is treatable. Drug Detox today and pass your drug test!

Planning is important if you want to achieve something. Creating simple detox diets require simple planning. You just have to set up the list of foods that you should be eating.

How can you pass your drug test? Find out at http://www.detoxs.info
For more information about other natural arthritis fighting ingredients visit;

Free Yourself From Arthritis Pain Now With These Tips

There is a little-known natural solution to curing oneself of arthritis pain, which I discovered several years ago. During my nursing career I was never able to find relief for my arthritis pain until I turned to the field considered natural or alternative medicine.

To get the arthritis pain relief you're seeking it's helpful to understand how arthritis works. Arthritic joints appear to be larger, are stiff and painful, and usually feel worse the more they are used as the day progresses. Arthritis pain can be experienced whenever a stiff or swollen joint is used.

The cartilage is slippery tissue that coats the ends of the bones. In young people, cartilage is about 85% water and in older folks about 70% of cartilage is water. The ability to make repairs to cartilage becomes limited as cartilage cells age.

Researchers report a higher incidence of osteoarthritis between parents and children or between siblings than between husbands and wives. The cause of arthritis (osteoarthritis) and the factors leading to the deterioration of cartilage in osteoarthritis is still not understood. Possible causes of arthritis include lesser known: bleeding disorders, like hemophilia, which causes bleeding to occur in the joint; disorders such as avascular necrosis, that block the blood supply closest to the joint; and conditions like hemochromatosis, that causes iron build-up in the joints.

Some people swear by morning drinks of raw apple cider vinegar and honey for arthritis pain relief. Try avoiding the eight most allergic foods, wheat being the most allergenic; they are wheat, corn, eggs, milk, peanuts, fish, shellfish and some nuts, not all. Some people swear by glucosamine and/or chondroitin and others say it didn't help at all.

Many have told me that going off dairy products and gluten containing foods relieved their arthritis pain entirely. Making a ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know. For snacks, choose raw nuts without salt instead of lifeless roasted nuts.

The first step in managing your arthritis is to change your diet; I think all experts would agree on this. Dried Montmorency tart cherries seem to be helpful for arthritis pain also.

Make smoothies with fruit only using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost -- no one will ever know. Many arthritis sufferers have changed their diets and noticed significant or total improvement.

Even the lightest exercise can go a long way to maintaining your joint mobility and overall health. Sign up for water aerobics classes at your local community center. If weight is an issue, try to use exercises that will help you in losing weight such as walking. A good exercise routine is the key to beating arthritis and arthritis pain.

Keep a bedside basket of arthritic aids for arthritic hands (theraputty, hand grips, Taiji chime balls, etc.) to be used at bedtime or while watching television. Fight arthritis through proper exercise! Stretching and warming up the joints should always be the first step in your exercise routine to make your joints more flexible.

Only you know which treatment option is best for you. Drugs commonly used for arthritis pain can cause ulcers, heart disease and liver or kidney damage.

Let your doctor and pharmacist know about any other drugs, herbs or other supplements you're taking, to ward off any adverse drug reactions that might occur from the combining of different drugs or supplements.

Your treatment plan should include an anti-arthritis diet, exercise, and a positive mental attitude. I got rid of my arthritis pain years ago when I stopped eating dead food and changed my diet to all living foods; you can do it too. Begin your treatment program with a diet change, exercise and weight loss plan to see results and pain relief fast.

For more information on arthritis pain relief and arthritis treatments go to http://www.FastArthritisPainRelief.com Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in arthritis pain relief with tips, advice and resources, including information on arthritis diets and natural arthritis treatments

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Helen_Hecker
For more information about what you can do to relieve the pain and suffering of arthritis visit;

Arthritis: Find Relief at Home

This post has really good tips and advice!

Posted by rebecca on 03/10/07 in Home Remedies, Alternative Healing
Around 50 million people in the United States are suffering from some form of arthritis or the other. Arthritis affects the joints and the tissues that surround them. There are several forms of arthritis. Of them, the most known and most common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and lupus.

Given are some simple ways to reduce the intensity of the symptoms of arthritis:

Though some people get relief from heat, the numbness caused due to cold has also shown to provide relief from pain.

Alternating between cold packs and heat pads can also give relief from pain and swelling.

Heat can reduce the stiffness of joints. Soak a towel in hot water and place them on the affected joints. A hot bath or a dip in a warm pool can also provide heat to the joints.

Try not to put on too much weight; maintain your ideal weight. It reduces the burden on your joints.

Drink warm water with lime juice in empty stomach.

Sun bathing for half an hour or so.

Steam bathing also helps.

Drink boiled water with ginger.

Slice a raw potato and place them over the painful area overnight.

If there is inflammation, place a small towel soaked in milk over the area.

Drinking lemon juice is good for arthritis. It breaks up the calcified formations in the body.

Boil 4-5 orange leaves and lemon leaves. Add honey and lemon juice to the liquid and consume before going to bed.

Slice some potatoes without peeling off the skin. Place them in a glass of cold water overnight. Next morning, drink the water in empty stomach.

Garlic boosts the immune system and helps reduce the pain of arthritis.

Try out some hand and feet exercises that promote motion. Stretch and move your joints frequently to avoid stiffness.

We have not provided you with any complete cure for the ailment, but these are some ways to give you comfort and relief from the pain and other symptoms of arthritis.

Tags: Alternative Healing, Home Remedies

For more information about things you can do to relieve arthritis pain and suffering at home visit;

Arthritis Relief – How Ginger Can Reduce Your Arthritis Pain!

The problem with prescription medicines are the side effects. Studies have shown ginger can have the same anti-inflammatory qualities as drugs but without the side effects.

Ginger has been used since ancient times to cure a variety of problems such as arthritis, diarrhoea and heart conditions. Along with its great medicinal properties ginger is also a great kitchen spice and could easily enhance any dish!

But how could ginger help you in the fight against arthritis?

A study by Doctor Ray Altman shows that highly concentrated ginger supplements can help reduce osteoarthritis. He tested it on 250 people over a six week period. Two-thirds of the people taking the supplement reported relief from pain.

Ginger has milder effects than most drugs but because it is a safer and cheaper alternative to drugs many people prefer it.

Tests on ginger are inconclusive at the moment and more detailed tests still need to be made over longer periods to establish the benefits of ginger. Some people report relief from pain when taking ginger supplements but in other people the results are less pronounced.

However, because ginger is safe to take (in small quantities – everything in large quantities is bad for you), cheap and readily available isn’t ginger worth a try?

Ginger can be bought as concentrated supplements but you can also add fresh ginger to your everyday meals. Ginger can also be taken as a tea. Just add one teaspoon freshly grated ginger to hot water. It’s easy as that!

Note: Care need to be taken when taking ginger because some people are allergic to it. Please make sure you are not allergic to ginger before taking it.
For more information about how ginger and other natural products can help fight arthritis visit;

Michelle Armstrong

Coping With Gout - Home Treatments

I found this post really interesting!

Gout is a disease involving inflammation of the joints and generally it occurs recurrently. The disorder is very painful and if proper care is not taken, serious complications like deformity of the bones and other critical diseases may ensue.

Unfortunately, there is no absolute cure for gout. The best method to combat gout is to alter the manner of living, and to take some preventive measures. In case of a gout attack, some home remedies can help alleviate the pain and supply some relief.

Application of elm leaf tea is said to reduce the inflammation and the pain.

The curative process is quickened if safflower is taken in capsule form.

The intake of a few teaspoonful of baking soda in water increases the blood pH and helps lower the opportunity of crystallization of uric acid the primary cause of gout.

Celery seeds infused in water and simmered until soft, when taken several times a day help eliminate gout by increasing excretion of uric acid. The celery seeds are believed to contain several anti-inflammatory agents that are supposed to be favourable in reducing the swelling of the joints. However, this should not be consumed by pregnant women or by patients suffering from kidney troubles.

The leaf of cabbage is believed to contain an enzyme that eliminates the crystals formed nearby the gout-affected joint. At the time of a gout attack, some cabbage leaves should first be chilled in the freezer and then be placed nearby the affected joint. Then the leaves should be covered with a piece of cloth and left until the leaves have thawed. This will help reduce the pain.

A ginger bath, prepared by mixing ground ginger with water, can be used as a home remedy for gout. The affected joint should be soaked in the bath for about an hour and then a hot shower should be taken to completely remove all ginger from the skin. Otherwise, ginger sticking to the skin may cause skin irritation.

Mullein leaves soaked in a mixture of hot vinegar and water and applied to the affected area has been shown to allay the sufferings produced by gout.

If the symptoms of gout persist and increase in severity, then a doctor should be consulted.

original by Arturo
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For more information about Home Gout Treatments?, feel free to visit us at: http://www.about-goat.info/Articles/Arthritic_Gout.php

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Using Essential Fatty Acids for Reducing Arthritis Joint Pain

Essential fatty acids provide protection for the whole body. In particular it is effective in reducing inflammation as experienced in joint pain or arthritis.
Most people will have to deal with arthritis especially as they get older. One way to eliminate or minimize this pain is to supplement with the essential fatty acids.

Osteoarthritis, the most common arthritis, is not the only arthritis that affects so many people:

rheumatoid arthritis
arthritis from lupus
psoriatic arthritis
reiter’s disease
infective arthritis

As you age, the constant movement of the joints creates wear and tear. Toxic wastes that circulate in the blood, dead cells, and liquid can accumulate in the various joints and cause inflammation and pain. Continual inflammation can cause damage to the joints. In some cases the cartilage that coats the bone ends, wears down and joints then rub bone to bone causing extreme pain.

Using the essential fatty acids provides lubrication for the joints as the move against each other. This reduces the wear that can occur at these joints and this results in less inflammation.

There are several conditions and lifestyles that contribute to arthritis,

Poor nutrition
Poor digestion
Lack of water
Repetitive use of fingers, hands, legs or arms
Body injuries -- sports or accidents

Arthritis is a difficult disease to treat because there is usually more than one cause. Just working on one cause may not help enough to give pain relief. But it always helps to know the many things that contribute to arthritis so that different nutritional and lifestyles changes can be made.

The use of flax seed oil, omega-3, is known to provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Omega-3 breaks down into prostaglandins. It is the prostaglandins that provide the anti-inflammatory results.

So by using the omega-3, GLA, and EPA/DHA supplements, you can get some relief from arthritis. These oils reduce inflammation and pain and provide lubrication, thereby preventing some damage from occurring in your joints.

It is recommended that you use a good dose of, Borage oil, Primrose oil or NKO oil. Using these oil spread across the day, provides the benefit of feeling reduce joint stiffness and pain in the morning. Use the different oils one bottle at a time. This gives you the health benefits that these different oil provide.

One additional benefit to using these oils is the coating protection that GLA has in the stomach lining.

The standard treatment for arthritis is the use of NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors. These, however, have undesirable side effects such as attacking the stomach lining. Thousands of deaths and visits to the emergency are associated with the use of NSAIDs.

You can benefit greatly if you use NSAIDs by adding GLA oils to your diet and help to prevent the serious side effects of the NSAIDs.

There you have it. Eat the essential fatty acids and provide your body with what it needs to build strong and healthy joints.

Copyright © 2005 Rudy Silva. About Rudy: Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter called "Natural-Remedies-Thatwork.com". For more information on arthritis go to http://www.arthritis-remedies.for--you.info.
For more information about how food can effect arthritis visit;

Researchers Discover New Way To Fight Autoimmune Diseases

I found this story new and refreshing - give us hope that there is a cure for this nasty disease!

Researchers Discover New Way To Fight Autoimmune Diseases (March 9, 2007) -- Multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and arthritis are among a variety of autoimmune diseases that are aggravated when one type of white blood cell, called the immune regulatory cell, malfunctions. In ... > full story

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Using Natural Medicines For Arthritis Relief

Many who suffer from arthritis pain look for other options besides prescription medications.

These individuals who seek natural medicines for arthritis relief are often surprised at the number or choices available for their pain treatment.

Instead of consuming prescription or over the counter medication that may cause interactions with other medications, these great natural options allow individuals of all ages to deal with their pain and other symptoms in a healthier manner.

Remember, before taking any sort of natural medicine for arthritis relief, consult your primary health care provider to ensure this medication will not interact with your current health status or any other medications you are consuming.

For individuals with arthritis pain, the answers are not quite as clear.

You may need to do a great deal of research into a natural alternative that may successfully relieve pain and control other symptoms for your specific condition.

Ask your primary health care provider to recommend any treatment processes he or she thinks may work for you.

Seek individuals in your community that may participate in natural measures such as acupuncture for their own relief.

If you have a whole health or natural health clinic in your neighborhood, this is an excellent starting point.

Using natural medicines for arthritis relief still involves using medicines or treatments that should be taken seriously.

Some examples of popular of alternative natural treatments for arthritis include supplements, therapy, or other holistic forms of medicine.

Many individuals turn to vitamin and mineral supplements for answers to their problems.

These treatments can range from supplements of vitamins B, C, E and K to treatments like glucosamine sulfate or gelatin. Instead of consuming a natural treatment, consider enrolling in a therapy program.

One popular program is acupuncture , which has gained popularity in the past years with individuals of all ages seeking solutions to all medical issues.

Furthermore, adopting a healthy diet and exercise regimen is an excellent way to tackle arthritis pain.

Consider joining a gym that offers aquatic aerobics programs.

Water offers no resistance and is a perfect way to condition muscles, rebuild strength, and restore joint movement.

Source: Quality articles on Medicine - ArticleMuse.com
Author: Mike Herman

Discover treatment options and see how you DON'T have to give up and just 'live with pain and discomfort' Arthritis Relief and Prevention & Pills for Arthritis
For mor information about using natural medicines for arthritis relief visit;
Relieve Arthritis Pain Through The Arthritis Bracelet.

It is amazing that the arthritis bracelet has become one of the most desirable methods of relief of arthritis pain. This considering the fact that there are a diversity of ways to get this arthritis relief and the fact that not so very many people actually know of the arthritis bracelet and the benefits it can have on the alleviation of the arthritis symptoms.

Interesting Facts About the Arthritis Bracelet

There is an entire diversity of facts to be known about the wondrous and sometimes misinterpreted arthritis bracelet. For one thing there is the fact that there is more than one kind of bracelet. One of the more popular types is the magnetic arthritis bracelet. In order to understand magnetic arthritis bracelets, you need to understand magnetic bracelets in general.

For a very long time using the magnetic bracelets did not have the repute of being a bona fide method, but was rather looked upon as being folk medicin e. People who used to use this method notwithstanding were mostly satisfied with its capacities. Recent research has shown that in fact there is a place for the arthritis bracelet in the treatment of arthritis caused pain.

The growing success of alternative curative methods and alternative health care solutions in general has brought about it that many more people are consenting in trying out these alternative methods like magnetic therapy. The acceptance of the opportunity that there is a favourable effect in its use is now much greater than say 10 years ago.

So You Want An Arthritis Bracelet, Where to Find One?

Various places are at hand where one could go to find a magnetic arthritis bracelet or other forms of alternative arthritis therapy. One place I found to be a good call online would be the website of Witchcraft Supplies. Don't be put off by their name, they carry a broad and massive assortment of goods to cater to the need of p eople looking for alternative ways to treat arthritis pain.

There are of course cheaper ways to procure oneself an arthritis bracelet: go and take a look at Ebay for instance. And while purchasing a second hand one is not all bad, one might consider forking out a few bob more and get a brand new one, one that you can call your very own. Irrespective of what you choose: new or used, you are certain to recognize substantial amelioration very soon, sometimes even after just a day or two. It is well known that the effects of an arthritis magnetic bracelet are very fast to kick in.

To the sufferer of arthritis pains, many potential forms of treatment options are open with regard to the alleviation of arthritis. The arthritis bracelet is to be considered as one of the best options of them all.

original by Frank Rom
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Frank Rom runs and operates a natural vitamin supplements herbal suppleme nts nutritional information site. For nutritional information you should also stop at Re-set your Metabolism at Thursday, March 08, 2007. If you found this article interesting, you can help to spread it using Digg.com Del.icio.us Spurl.net Simpy.com Newsvine.com Blinklist.com Furl.net Reddit.com Blogmarks.net Yahoo

For more useful information about arthritis visit;

Do You Suffer from Arthritis? Food Allergies May Be to Blame.

If you have joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis, relief may
be closer than you think.

Many people see rheumatoid arthritis as a disease of aging,
while others believe it "runs in the family". But often,
arthritis symptoms can flare as a result of food allergies.

Nightshades in particular are well known to cause flare-ups of
arthritis pain. Potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers and
eggplants are among the foods that can trigger an allergic
reaction causing joint pain and swelling. Luckily, there's an
easy way to find out if this family of plant foods is
problematic for you.

If you have arthritis pain, finding out whether your symptoms
are due to food allergies is a simple process.
First, avoid all
nightshades for several days--at least four. Then, add one
particular food item--potatoes, for instance--back into your
diet. Eat a portion daily for several days and note any
symptoms. Then eliminate all nightshades for another few days,
and test another of the foods.

You may be surprised by the results. You may find that you can
tolerate one particular food for several days before developing
symptoms, while another food will cause symptoms almost
immediately. Once you've analyzed the results, you can plan to
either avoid certain foods completely or control the portions
and frequency of these foods in your diet.

If you are taking prescription medication for your arthritis, be
sure you discuss your results with your
physician before stopping any meds; they may have positive
results beyond pain relief, and stopping them cold may have a
negative effect. Also, be sure to monitor your condition with
your physician, even if you manage to control the symptoms with
diet. Arthritis is a complex auto-immune disease, and bears
watching, whether you're symptom-free or not.

About the author:
Aldene Fredenburg is a freelance writer living in southwestern
New Hampshire. She has written numerous articles for local and
regional newspapers and for a number of Internet websites,
including Tips and Topics.
For more useful information about food and arthritis visit;

Osteo-Arthritis Treatment - Where should you start?


There's more to the road of recovery than taking the right medicine. Just becoming arthritis free will not make you truly happy. The key to true happiness is being able to look deep within ourselves and understand what exactly makes us tick. When we understand this then we will realize what are the most important things in our lives. Having goals and positive mental attitude will help us channel our life towards something meaningful rather than living aimlessly everyday.

You may be wondering what this has got to do with osteoarthritis treatment; well actually this has a great deal, not only in terms of relieving arthritis but all kinds of disorders. Over the years both medical and psychological studies have suggested that people with a positive mental attitude seem to suffer less and heal more quickly than negative people.

Focusing your mind allows you to maintain a healthy, osteoarthritis free lifestyle. In this day and age it is simply too easy to indulge in foods that contains many toxins that attack the muscles and bones, and activities that place unnecessary strain on the muscles and joints which is why you probably suffer from osteoarthritis in the first place. I say this because arthritis is not an inevitable consequence of old age as many believe.

Learning to live a much healthier life will certainly accelerate the recovery process. By maintaining a healthy, positive mental attitude will give you the dedication you need to continue leading a disciplined & healthy lifestyle. In the event you relapse into your old unhealthy lifestyle, and believe me, it happens to all of us - we are only human, but the most important thing is to get back to a healthier osteoarthritis free lifestyle as soon as possible. So you see, you need to start with the mind before you can enjoy the real lasting progress of an osteoarthritis free life. So what do you need to do now is

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Michelle Armstrong

Osteoarthritis Treatment - (Detoxing)

Detoxification - Give yourself a head start!

Detoxification can be very beneficial for arthritis suffers - especially those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The reason for this is because people are sensitive or allergic to certain foods which aggravates their arthritic symptoms causing unnecessary swelling and inflammation. By removing these sensitive or allergic foods from their diet symptoms can greatly improve.

Think of your body as a sponge, it can only absorb so many chemicals before it becomes overwhelmed and things begin to go wrong. If you are taking in more chemicals and producing more toxins than your body can neutralize then we have an imbalance. When this occurs your body is more prone to illnesses and diseases - because of this we must stay within our body’s tolerance levels to maintain a healthy body and immune system.

Study done by Palmblad et al in 1991 found that total fasting for a few days substantially reduced joint swelling, morning stiffness and other arthritis symptoms. The reasons why total fasting works so well in reducing the symptoms is because there are less chemicals in the body to start the inflammation process.

I am only using the above study to demonstrate that fasting can be beneficial, but it is by no means a solution to symptoms of arthritis. It is not recommended that you start fasting for a few days because it deprives your body of important vitamins and nutrients. However, fasting can be used temporarily before you start a healthier diet so that when you break your fast you should be clear of all the harmful toxins that were in your body and so you can enjoy the full benefits of a healthier lifestyle much sooner.

For more detailed information about how detoxing & arthritis visit;


Michelle Armstrong

Arthritis - Osteoarthritis Treatment - (Natural Foods)


Everybody knows that fruit are good for you, but for arthritis sufferers, this is even more so! Fresh foods are packed full of goodness that help the body to heal itself naturally. You must remember that our body is designed for this type of nutritional intake. Historically humans were nomadic and traveled around in search of food such as nuts and berries; these were a vital part of our diet.

Foods that are fried, high in salt and sugar and stimulants such as coffee are very new to our diet and contain many unwanted chemicals that our body just can't seem to deal with effectively, especially when consumed in high quantities. Unfortunately this is the lifestyle that many of us have become accustomed to. They create toxins such as free radicals that attack both bone and tissue that inevitably aggravate arthritic symptoms.

You can't undo the damage that has been done to your body, but you can help your body by giving it all the vitamins and minerals it requires to repair itself naturally and stop your arthritis from progressing further. A change in lifestyle is a must. Combined with effective exercises, you can make dramatic positive changes to the quality of your life. Fresh fruit and vegetables will need to replace all those unhealthy foods, and you know which ones I mean!! So don’t waste time, start healing your body today!
For more detailed information about food and arthritis visit;

Michelle Armstrong

Osteoarthritis Treatment - (Vitamin Supplements)

Do we need vitamin supplements?

Unfortunately many of the vitamins we need cannot be produced by our body and so have to be consumed instead. There is a debate of whether our diet provides us with the necessary quantities of vitamins to maintain a healthy body, immune and nervous system. This is particularly important to arthritis sufferers as some would argue that it is the lack of essential vitamins which is one of the causes of developing arthritis in the first place.

A lack of essential vitamins are shown by certain symptoms, but if these deficiencies continue over a long period of time then these minor symptoms can develop into more serious conditions - arthritis is potentially one of those conditions.

Our body uses vitamins to do many things. Each vitamin has its own unique job but combined together they help to keep skin healthy, maintain tissue and organs, assist the absorption of certain minerals, strengthen the immune system, neutralize free radicals [toxins that attack both bone and tissue] and keep the nervous system in good condition. We are all unique and so we all require different amounts of each vitamin. Factors such as age, sex, level of health and fitness can affect your vitamin requirements. However there are general guidelines of the minimum vitamin intake your body requires. Your doctor will be able to give you a detailed breakdown of them.

Vitamins come in 2 forms; fat soluble and water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins [vitamin A, D, E and K] are found in many fatty food products such as dairy products and oily fish. Our liver is quite efficient in its use of these vitamins so when we don’t need them immediately or have an excess amount of them, our liver will store them for future use. Water soluble vitamins [B1, B2, B6, B12, C, FOLIC ACID, BIOTIN, NIACIN & PANTOTHENIC ACID] found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds on the other hand cannot be stored by the body and so require a regular consumption and whenever there is an excess of them in the body they are removed through your urine.

Going back to the question of whether we need vitamin supplements, well it all depends on our diet. We need to ask ourselves whether we eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, combined with lean meat, oily fish, dairy, eggs, nuts and seeds as it is believed that this combination will provide us with all the vitamins we need on a regular basis. It is a mixture of all the essential vitamins that help maintain a healthy body, not just any one individually. The different vitamins work in harmony with each other. Some people make the mistake of consuming too much of a specific vitamin because they don’t have a varied diet, this can impair the absorption of other vitamins and minerals and lead to other harmful complications. This is especially true when consuming too much fat soluble vitamins that are stored in the body. It is more difficult to overdose on water soluble vitamins as they are removed through your urine. To reduce the risks of overdosing a multivitamin supplement should be taken. It will give you a little of everything, rather than too much of any one vitamin, bearing in mind that supplements can contain anything up to 10 times our required daily intake.

Eating a variety of food will always be the best option as opposed to taking any supplements as they contain more than just vitamins. Many foods contain other essential nutrients, minerals and fibre - things that supplements simply don’t have. So a varied diet is the most beneficial way.

In conclusion, whether you need vitamins will all depend on how good your diet is. For the majority, our current diet alone is not sufficient to provide the vitamins to maintain a healthy body and until we can change our diet, multi-vitamin supplements will always be necessary.
For more information on health and supplements visit;
Michelle Armstrong
Exercise and Arthritis

“Exercise is any activity that increases your heart rate above normal!”

Exercise is essential to relieve and cure arthritis. Most sufferers of arthritis do not exercise because they fear exercise will aggravate their symptoms - this is far from the truth. Without exercise muscles will gradually deteriorate and a vicious circle of even less exercise and even more arthritic pain occurs.

Exercise helps keeps muscles strong and joints supple. Stronger muscles are less prone to arthritis.

To stop your muscles from deteriorating you must exercise regularly. Start slowly and gradually increase it until you feel comfortable. Build up your regime slowly and do not overdo any exercise during the earlier stages.

Types of exercises

Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercise helps strengthen the heart and help control weight in your body.

When people think of exercising they automatically think of jogging. The truth however, is that jogging is one of the most damaging of all exercise and it can damage and tear muscles and tendon.

The best form of exercise for arthritis sufferers is walking. Do not underestimate the benefits of walking. Walking is gentle on the body and is suitable for most sufferers. Do wear comfortable shoes and warm clothing when you start.

Strengthening Exercises

Weight bearing and resistance exercises help strengthen muscles - strong muscles help reduce injuries and the pain of arthritis.

Start with small weights or even use your body weight as a form of resistance. Gradually increase the weight and repetitions to help strengthen your muscles even more.

Stretching Exercises

Stretching helps keep joints and muscle supple. Supple muscles and joints are less prone to injury and have a lower risk of developing arthritis.

Be careful when stretching and do warm up before you begin. Start off by gently stretching the affected areas (all joints would benefit from stretching but if you prefer you can begin by only stretching the affected joints)
For more information about what excersises you can do visit;

Coping with Arthritis

It is rather stressful to find that your home is not designed to help you cope with arthritis. Even simple things such as opening a can to walking up the stairs may need additional help. However there are many ways that you can change your home to adapt with this situation.

Coping at Home

Coping at home could mean you have to rearrange certain items of furniture such as the sofa or bed to help you move more easily around your home.

It is also wise to arrange items so that anything that you use most often is arrange to be at the front. This is particularly helpful as it helps reduce stress during times when arthritis is at its peak.

- Buy gadgets that can help you open cans or bottles. Make sure they have thicker handles so it can be easily held.

- Use a spoon as leverage to open cans and other tins.

- Plan in advance. Purchse items that will help and not hinder you.

- A high stool that is useful when you are preparing food.

- A trolley that can help with moving larger loads around the home.

- Devices to help turn the tap more easily.

- In exceptional cases of arthritis a stair lift may be needed to help you move up stairs.

- Thinking ahead will always help - plan your kitchen so most items are at a good height so you wont need to bend over too much when you use the equipment i.e. raise the oven.

For more useful tips visit;


Arthritis - The Cold Weather Really Gets to me!!

I don't know about you but i find that when the weather turns cold and gloomy my arthritic symtoms seems to inflate. Im not sure if this is due to changes in temperature or air pressure but i do know it hurts, and sometimes it hurts alot!

I do try to keep more active when it get particularly cold, and it does help a little. However i find that
applying heat to the affected area works best. I usually soak a towel in some hot water and then rub the affected area with the towel.

There is another method i use and it really does seem to relieve much of the pain. I apply some chinese ointment, such as Po Sum On ( available in most chinese grocers or herbal stores), and massage the affected area. I then apply heat to the area by using a hair dryer. When rubbing the affected area try to rub deep.

I hope some of these ideas can help you during this particularly cold winter time!
for more useful tips visit; www.cureyourarthritisremedy.com

If you have any comments or advice that we all can benefit from then please email me at sam@cureyourarthritisremdy.com

Osteoarthritis Treatment - (The Threat of Free Radicals)


Your body is under attack from free radicals! Free Radicals are a by-product of our body’s natural process of creating energy. Oxygen reacting with glucose allows our muscles to work. However this natural process also creates a potentially harmful by product that can cause damage to both bones and tissue. This by-product is called free oxidizing radicals or free radicals for short.

Your body’s natural immune system is prepared for this by-product and combats these free radicals with anti-oxidants such as vitamin A, C, E, and enzymes that contain Zinc and Selenium.

However excessive free radical activity can occur through consumption of fried foods, foods with high sugar and salt content and stimulants such as coffee and even smoking. The same occurs when we fail to consume sufficient amounts of anti-oxidants which are our primary defense against these free radicals and so increasing the risks of Osteoarthritis symptoms.

Think of your body as a sponge, it can only absorb so many chemicals before it becomes overwhelmed and things begin to go wrong. If you are taking in more chemicals and producing more toxins than your body can neutralize then we you will have an imbalance. When this occurs your body is more prone to illnesses and diseases, and you begin to suffer osteoarthritic pain - because of this you must stay within our body’s tolerance levels to maintain a healthy body and immune system.
You need to ask yourself, what are you going to do about it? Well, you basically only have 2 real choices, either increase your intake of antioxidants to neutralize the free radical activity or decrease the intake of unhealthy foods that create free radicals in the first place. The second option is the healthier of the two!! So I know which one would choose.

Ideally you should DO BOTH - increase your intake of anti oxidants and decrease the intake of unhealthy foods. This will give you a surplus of vitamins that your body can use for other beneficial uses i.e. strengthening your immune system. This is a much more effective Osteoarthritis treatment.
For more indepth information about arthritis care visit;

Michelle Armstrong

Arthritis - Losing Weight is The Best Bet!

Losing weight is probably the best way for a overweight person to relieve arthritis.

Being overweight exerts extra pressure on weight bearing joints such as the knees and hips. This causes extra stress on the joints and wears down the cartilage at a much faster rate. Due to this overweight people have a higher tendency to develop
osteoarthritis of the knee.

Losing weight can help relieve stress placed on the joints and reduce the damage down to the joints and cartilage. Weight loss can help relieve pain in the knees, feet, back and hips - weight bearing joints in general.

There is so much written about weight loss so i won't go into detail here. The scientific way to lose weight is to consume less calories than your body uses. Excess calories consumed are not used and stored as fat.

Now, exercise does not mean you have to jog around the block everyday, or sweat like there is no tomorrow. All you have to do is do a little more than what you normally do. Push your heart rate slightly higher and thats what exercise generally means.

For people just starting their exercise regime it is best to choose something that you enjoy, be it cycling, golf, walking etc. You will most likely to continue exercising if you enjoy the exercise.

Hope this helps.
For more information about how diet and exercise can help reduce the suffering of arthritis visit;

Wrap up and keep Warm!

With the cold weather around many people seem to suffer more from osteoarthritis flare ups. Do keep yourself warm and look after yourself. Nourish yourself properly and if possible keep out of harsh weather conditions!

Take Care

What Arthritis Do You Have?

Arthritis dates back to prehistoric times and is seen all through the ages in the joints of the skeleton remains.

Most of you will Ahave problems with your joints and it may be arthritis. Arthritis is associated with aging but it is not caused because you are aging. Arthritis is caused by the body not been fed the proper nutrients that keep your joints health and free of wear and tear.

There are plenty of joints in your body and typically there are only specific joints that have arthritic pain. Those are the ones that you use frequently. For men it is knees, spine, and feet. For women it is fingers, hands, knees, and spine.

Arthritis means inflammation of the joint. When your joints have bone-to-bone contact and grind against each other that area becomes swollen and inflamed.

There are two main type of arthritis –
osteoarthritis and rheumatoid – and others that are less known.


Osteoarthritis means inflammation of the bony part of your joint. As your joints move against each other, the protective coating and surrounding material – membranes, oil sacs, cartilage – wear down. This wear down occurs when the joints see excess activity.

Normally you would not expect to see this wear down condition since there are many joints that see excess activity and don’t become inflamed or arthritic. There millions of people who don’t get arthritis, yet the use their joints are used just as much and perhaps even more. Then there are people who don’t use their joint to excess and still get arthritis.

So the actual cause of arthritis is more than excess activity.

The cause of arthritis has come down to a single or combination of nutritional deficiencies, excess joint activity, and emotional issues.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid means "similar to flowing pain." It is an autoimmune disease where good cell and tissue are attack by the immune system. Rheumatoid first affects the joint membranes and later the bone structure at the joint.
Rheumatoid arthritis occurs in people of all ages. As this arthritis progresses it can becomes crippling.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a recent disease, which appeared at the turn of the 20th Century. Its cause can be associated with
diet where the balance of the joint structure receives chemicals that destroy its balanced condition.

Gouty Arthritis

Gout is a disease where uric acid deposits in the joints of feet and legs. When the body has an excess of uric acid, which it can’t eliminate through normal channels of elimination- the kidney – the uric acid settles in the joints and soft tissue causing pain.

Gout is more common with men, people with high blood pressure, alcoholics, diabetics, and obesity. Gout means drop. It was thought by Romans that gout was caused by poisonous crystals coming from the blood, drop by drop, and depositing in the toes.

There is some evidence that gout is related to the amount of wine that is drunk with the meal. This put an extra strain on the liver that tries to detoxify the wine and the meal at the same time. Result is the liver is unable to detoxify the complete meal.

Other Types of Arthritis

There are other types of arthritis.
These account for a small amount of the types of arthritis that most people have. Here is the list:

Bursitis – inflammation of the shoulder joints and muscles.
Neuritis – is know as rheumatism of your nerves. When the sheaths of your nerves dry out you have neuritis
Myositis - pain that comes from working hard and muscles have friction between them.
Fibrositis – is when your connective tissue become inflamed Lumbago – occurs before you get arthritis of the spine.

Which arthritis doe you have? In other articles, I'll tell you what you can do to prevent or eliminate arthritis of any kind.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter called "Natural Remedies Thatwork.com". For more information on arthritis go to: http://www.arthritis-remedies.for--you.info

Dont forget to viisit my website;

Cod Liver Oil Still Fights Arthritis

I found this post very interesting and i reckon you will find it interesting too!

Cod Liver Oil Still Fights Arthritis

In the 17th century, cod liver oil was quite different from its present form. Initially, it was produced by rotting cod livers, so it stunk and was black in color. Naturally it tasted yucky.

Despite that, people knew it to be good for health and they drank it as an all-purpose supplement though no one knew exactly how it worked.

By the 18th century, cod liver oil was produced by heating with steam. This resulted in a paler and better quality oil though it was still far from tasty and mothers had to force it down the throats of children, especially those who suffered from rickets.

In the 19th century, owners of The British Cod Liver Oil Producers (Hull) Ltd. found that some trawling companies operating in Hull, England, were using the sea boiling technique that produced a light golden brown oil that was far superior in quality, low in acidity, and had a bland taste. Kenneth McLennan, previously from Lever Brothers, came up with the idea of producing cod liver oil in tiny capsules and also came up with the name Seven Seas.

For Healthy JointsThe Eskimos have a reduced incidence of rheumatoid arthritis because of their fish-rich diet. The Japanese diet is also rich in fish, which may explain why they have fewer cases of arthritis compared to people of other countries.

Studies have shown that for patients with mild rheumatoid arthritis, fish oil supplements were able to reduce their nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug requirement.

Fish oil high in omega-3 fatty acids is crucial for adults suffering from arthritis and other bone-related problems. Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the production of chemicals that cause inflammation of the joints.

In patients with arthritis, inflammation is like a jagged edged knife because the enzymes worsen the problem. Apart from reducing the production of chemicals that cause inflammation, omega-3 fatty acids may also reduce the breakdown of cartilage.

Presently there are no drugs available to slow the progression of cartilage degradation. These joint problems cannot be cured, but with good management, a patient can lead an active life.

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