Relieve Your Pain From Arthritis With Ayurveda And Alternative Healing
Today, in the United States, more than 15 percent of the entire population suffer from arthritis. That's over 40 million people. It is a disease that does not discriminate, men and women and even children can suffer from its effects. Arthritis involves the inflammation of joints, surrounding tendons, ligaments, and cartilage, as well as destruction of bone. It can affect any part of the body, from the feet, knees, back to the fingers and, in certain types of arthritis, heart, lung, or other organs as well.
Arthritis can range from mild aches and discomfort to even a crippling, chronic pain. There is currently no cure for arthritis. Instead it continues to annoy and frustrate all those who suffer from it. In this article I will share with you my experience growing up with arthritis and my discovery after 9 years, of Ayurveda and the natural healing and relief of my Chronic pain caused by this undesired disease called arthritis.
When I was young, only 12 years old, I was suffering from extreme back pain. My parents did the only thing logical to them and took me to a back doctor or chiropractor. Over a few years of going to different doctors I was told many different things to what my problem was and was continually assured they could "fix" me. Finally after some time and no results I was in another clinic where x-rays were taken, I can't be certain if this doctor was smarter then the rest or if he was just the first to be honest with me. He pulled out the x-rays and went on to show me that I had arthritis spreading over my lower and upper back and there was nothing he could do for me.
Now at 17 years old and my whole life ahead of me that's not what I wanted to hear. Over the next couple of years I continued to see this doctor for temporary relief for my pain as that's all it was good for. After some time I gave up on going to these doctors and decided that I would just have to deal with this "illness" on mine.
I was 20 when I was introduced to alternative health or Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the study of the science of life. It is based on a perspective I had to learn before the healing could begin to take place in my life. At the time in my life I had this transformation of understanding I was over at my parent's house when my arthritis got so bad that my back completely collapsed. I could no longer move for the pain was too strong. My parents happen to know a Chiropractor who practiced nearby but as it was after close they had to call him over from his home. I am very blessed to have had this experience as for what I was going to learn next was going to change my life in more ways then I knew.
This Doctor we can call Dr. H.. Dr. H. came right over and started working on me. He was working on me in ways I could not yet understand. After 30 minutes of pushing pressure points and relaxing my body I was walking. He didn't pop one bone!!! I was amazed and could not understand what he did. I asked him how on earth he did what he did and his only response was in reference to his study of Alternative practice and healing... Ayurveda.
From that time I was intrigued, I started looking for ways and researching what this Ayurveda and alternative health was all about. It wasn't but 6 months later I came in contact with a gentleman who changed my life. He introduced me to an ayurvedic product and teachings that has made my arthritis illness practically invisible to me. Let me explain some of what I've learned so that you too may have this incredible change in your life.
The difference from traditional healing and medication from ayurvedic healing is simple. Alternative medicine or Ayurveda works by helping the body to heal itself where drugs, on the other hand, including those used to alleviate the pain and inflammation of arthritis, work either by taking over the body's functions or by masking the pain that might otherwise help the body protect itself against further harm. Resulting in the body never fully healing itself, not to mention the many side effects associated with western medication.
According to ayurvedic principles, the joints, tendons, and cartilage involved in arthritis do not exist in separation from the rest of the body. Nor do they remain unaffected by emotions, thoughts, or stress. While western doctors concentrate on the particular joints affected by arthritis, Ayurveda concentrates on the body as a whole, everything from head to toe, physically and emotionally. A person's body suffers when his or her body's chemistry is not stable. So instead of focusing on the arthritis itself you need to focus on the body as a whole to in turn solve the problem of the arthritis.
To do this you must start with the basic of eating healthy. If you are not eating the right foods for your body you can not achieve a stable body or spirit. Now to answer the question in regard to which is the proper foods to eat and in what quantity are a whole other topic all together. I will suggest buying and reading a book called "Eat, Taste, Heal," by ThomasYarema and Daniel Rhoda. Another importance is in calming and relaxing you mind and body. You can do this by meditation or variety of ayurvedic medications.
Article published by Chad Kidner -Ayurvedic Herbalist and Practitioner. To learn more about the Ayuvedic product that helped me become free from my arthritic pain or to contact me please go to my website
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