Osteoarthritis Treatment - (Detoxing)

Detoxification - Give yourself a head start!

Detoxification can be very beneficial for arthritis suffers - especially those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The reason for this is because people are sensitive or allergic to certain foods which aggravates their arthritic symptoms causing unnecessary swelling and inflammation. By removing these sensitive or allergic foods from their diet symptoms can greatly improve.

Think of your body as a sponge, it can only absorb so many chemicals before it becomes overwhelmed and things begin to go wrong. If you are taking in more chemicals and producing more toxins than your body can neutralize then we have an imbalance. When this occurs your body is more prone to illnesses and diseases - because of this we must stay within our body’s tolerance levels to maintain a healthy body and immune system.

Study done by Palmblad et al in 1991 found that total fasting for a few days substantially reduced joint swelling, morning stiffness and other arthritis symptoms. The reasons why total fasting works so well in reducing the symptoms is because there are less chemicals in the body to start the inflammation process.

I am only using the above study to demonstrate that fasting can be beneficial, but it is by no means a solution to symptoms of arthritis. It is not recommended that you start fasting for a few days because it deprives your body of important vitamins and nutrients. However, fasting can be used temporarily before you start a healthier diet so that when you break your fast you should be clear of all the harmful toxins that were in your body and so you can enjoy the full benefits of a healthier lifestyle much sooner.

For more detailed information about how detoxing & arthritis visit;


Michelle Armstrong

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